Jazz Blue Trio Drink Coasters and Tip Signs
After completing the research stage of my capstone project, I have finally started working on sketches and roughs. The research stage was very helpful for me to understand jazz style art and what my dad wants his branding to look like. He has a $500 budget for tee-shirts, drink coasters, cash and virtual cash tip signs, “All About the Band” handouts and a Jazz Blue Trio neon sign.
When I first started sketching ideas, I made some for his overall business, Play it Blue, as well as for one of his individual services, Jazz Blue Trio. I shared my ideas with my dad and he said he’d rather have all of the items be for the Jazz Blue Trio. I started sketching more ideas and researching where we could buy the products.
I found a highly reviewed website for custom coasters. They had a few different material types such as cork, disposable paper, rubber and pulp board. All of the materials are around 8-15 cents if bought in bulk which is what my dad is looking for. I designed the coasters first since they are a smaller and simpler design. After many sketches and ideas on the what the artwork was going to be my dad really liked the neon sign design so I went with the same idea for the rest of the items.
The Jazz Blue Trio’s current tip jar is a plastic jazz top hat with a piece of paper on it that says “TIPS” in black sharpie. I wanted to change this for him since it’s something his audience sees every time they perform. I also suggested the virtual tip jar idea since people don’t always walk around with cash but they could Venmo or Cash App if they still wants to give tips. He thought this was a great idea so I thought it would be appropriate for it to be a table tent right next to his tip hat.
At the bottom of this blog, I attached a few of my sketches as well as the finished products in a mockup form. I can’t express enough how easy this project has been for me since I am working for my dad because it is very easy to get in connect with him over his thoughts on what I’m designing for him. Can’t wait to see these products in real life!
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